KBC stock (quote delayed by 15 minutes)
14/03/2025   13:35   NYSE Euronext Brussels
Last quotation Highest : 85.46 € Variation Volume (day)
84.72 € Lowest : 83.26 € +1.12 % +0.94 € 160,658
Since previous closing Year perf. Average volume over the period Capitalisation
83.78 € +24.26 % 504 220 35,374,340,473 €
Last quotation : 84.72 €
Highest : 85.46 €
Lowest : 83.26 €
Since previous closing : 83.78 €
Variation : 1.12 %  0.94 €
Volume (day) : 160,658
Capitalisation : 35,374,340,473 €
Year perf. : 24.26 %
Average volume over the period : 504,220
Comparisons BEL 20 STOXX 600 BANK INDEX
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Source: Symex Chartinvestor
Quote delayed by 15 minutes
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